Hardpoint Training LLC
Fundamental Firearms training in Pittsburgh, Pa
Most popular Classes
Hardpoint Training LLC. Is a firearms training company dedicated to teaching the safe handling and fundamental use of firearms. The main mission at Hardpoint is to help the students build their confidence levels with firearms for an everyday carry lifestyle.
Hardpoint conducts training at Legion Arms in their private range.
2980 Lebanon Church Rd. West Mifflin, PA 15122 (range fees apply)

Build Confidence
Understand the importance of safety and training. Build confidence in your ability with your firearm and personal safety awareness.
Have Fun
Learn the fundamentals and build the abilities to hit what you are shooting at consistently. All in a safe, fun, friendly environment to push each other to be better.
Develop a self-defense plan
Develop a personal/home protection and self-defense plan. as well as gain skills and the mindset needed to win a defensive encounter.